• March 2014,  Recent Posts,  Uncategorized

    Comatose Uncoupling?

    WARNING gentle readers, this is a rant.  Whilst perusing the weekly news, Goop founder and celebrity extraordinaire, Gwyneth Paltrow caught my ire.  Her post, titled,  Consciously Uncoupling implies she and Chris Martin, have an elevated approach to divorce.  My take away is…

  • February 2014,  Recent Posts,  Uncategorized

    The Truth About Love

    I’ve been riding shotgun alongside someone headed down the bumpy road to divorce (not mine).   It’s a twisted mess so sad and awful I question how love can warp into something so unrecognizable.  A few gory details: -House in…

  • DIY,  February 2014,  Recent Posts,  Uncategorized

    XO Valentine Cuff DIY

    Send hugs and kisses to your intended with a snazzy cuff on Valentine’s Day.  If that special someone is Vegan, feel free to adapt with manmade materials.   Here we go crafty lovebirds: Supplies: -Old belt or leather strip measuring…

  • January 2014,  Recent Posts,  Uncategorized


      A recent trip to San Francisco collided with the death of someone close.  She was, without a doubt, the most dynamic person I have ever met.  On the eve of her funeral, I visited the rooftop deck of my…