• March 2014,  Recent Posts,  Uncategorized

    Comatose Uncoupling?

    WARNING gentle readers, this is a rant.  Whilst perusing the weekly news, Goop founder and celebrity extraordinaire, Gwyneth Paltrow caught my ire.  Her post, titled,  Consciously Uncoupling implies she and Chris Martin, have an elevated approach to divorce.  My take away is…

  • March 2014,  Recent Posts

    Not Your Momma’s Chia

    Chia has evolved from its former self on late night TV.  This tiny seed contains more omega-3 than salmon, provides 42% of your daily fiber in a single serving, and three times the calcium in an ounce of skim milk!…

  • March 2014,  Recent Posts

    Return of the Fern

    You can kiss a life surrounded by brass, vinyl, bad lighting, and flare goodbye… the Boston Fern is back and better than ever.  A native of Central and South America, this tropical plant is elegant, vibrant and while popular during the…