May 2014,  Recent Posts

Friday Under The Palapa – The Piscorita!

Happy Friday amigos!  Today’s Under The Palapa cocktail is the Piscorita. I borrowed heavily from the traditional Margarita and substituted pisco, an age old spirit hailing from Peru and Chile closely related to brandy.  A lot of debate rages over the origin of the name, I’ll stick to the namesake town of Pisco, Peru (Quechuan) which served as an important colonial port back in the day. Why pisco you say?  My lovely Peruvian family loves the classic Pisco Sour… me, not so much and thus my lonely bottle of Trader Joe Pisco was not getting any love.  Now, an important note, pisco is STRONG (muy fuerte).  Tequila has a 40-50% alcohol by volume ratio…so does pisco.  Share this recipe, eat plenty of snacks, and as always, be safe and sane.  DISCLAIMER:  Just had a sip, not responsible for any typos…Hair is what you doo:


-1 cup ice cubes

-1 cup strawberries

-3 oz of pisco

-2 oz simple syrup

-Juice of 2 limes

-2 tablespoons of lime zest

-2 tablespoons of chili powder

-2 tablespoons of rock salt

-2 tablespoons of sugar


Blend pisco, strawberries, ice, lime juice and simple syrup in blender.  Mix lime zest, chili powder, rock salt and sugar on a small plate.  Rim margarita glass, pour, and garnish with a strawberry. Yields two drinks.

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