May 2014,  Recent Posts

Days Gone By

Do you ever forget the past?  I do.  I never take time to reflect and appreciate as I should my early history.  The most joyous times were hands down during childhood.  Simple memories like the smell of the beach, my favorite one armed doll, riding shot-gun with dad, running through sprinklers with my best friend Erica – all priceless gifts I do not re-visit enough. Those memories are wrapped in the trappings of youth – innocence, no responsibility, unbridled silliness, hope, boundless energy…what fun times were had!  Yes, life then throws us punches.  We can become brittle, we worry, we fuss, we have our heart broken… but we all had, at one time, if even for a milli-second, the experience of being a child and it was good.  Don’t always focus on all that came after, appreciate what it was… often.  Have a great Memorial Day Weekend everybody!

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