DIY,  January 2014,  Recent Posts

Avocado and Honey, and Yogurt! Oh My!

My skin has been looking a bit dreary lately so I thought I’d go to a spa my kitchen for a little help.  I was also inspired by an article on parabens. It seems these tricky preservatives are found in many beauty products….check your cabinets people, parabens  typically star in those ingredient lists as long as the Nile.  Research their harm is debatable but enough to make me cautious.  So, in an effort to naturally attain a dewey, chemical free, baby soft complexion, I whipped up a homemade mask with an afterglow chaser:


-Half an avocado

-Tablespoon each of plain yogurt and honey

-Quarter size amount of Olive or Canola Oil

Easy to find ingredients
Easy to find ingredients


-Tie back your hair (unless you are in the market for a deep, I mean deep, conditioner)

-Liberally apply mask to face and neck (use excess on hands)

-Take a selfie (get help) and send to grandma and your sisterhood of beauty bloggers

-Let mask sit for 10 minutes  (this might be a good time to scare small children, answer the door to a solicitor, or Skype with that childhood pageant queen friend)

-Rinse with warm water and gently towel dry

-Rub olive oil on your face and let it set (if you don’t like the smell of olive oil try canola, both are a natural miracle cure for dry skin)

-Over stare at yourself in the mirror… you are beautiful no matter what

-Smile, this magical mask works on your insides too! 

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